Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 3 post

Compare/contrast two different ECPI instructor's teaching styles, with a thesis or overall point/reason for the comparison/contrast. Please use either the block method or the point by point method.


Cornell said...
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Cornell said...

The two teachers that teach the same course but have different teaching styles is Mr. Blevins and Mr. O'Brien. They both teach electric circuits and I realize that Mr. Blevins is more stern and serious and grades assignments for perfection. Mr. Blevins is more out spoken than Mr. O'Brien.

When It comes to Mr. O'Brien he is more laid back and he is more soft spoken. He also grades according to how hard you work not so much about the mistakes you make. Mr. O'Brien is way more easy going.

They are both great teachers and have two different teaching styles.

Sung said...

The 2 ECPI instructors I chose to compare/contrast are Mr. Hamza and Miss Shaw. These were 2 instructors that I had the esteemed privilege to study under. Aside from being very good teachers, the 2 classrooms were quite different. For starters, Mr.Hamza did not have computers in his classroom so there were no hi-tech shenanigans. Ms.Shaw did lectures with Power Point, a new-school approach to Mr.Hamza's more archaic pen and paper.

Chels said...

I have twin cousins in my family. Their names are Charlene and Charlette. I couldn’t tell one from the other, identical twins are what they are. They had a lot of similar qualities, but on the other had they had different likes and dislikes. They were there own persons.
They were inseparable. Take Charlene for instance she liked to roller- skating and bowling, but Charlotte loved to swim, but Charlene disliked any water sports. When Charlene wanted go to the beach Charlotte would go just to appease her sister just so that they would stay together. They may look alike but they have their own personalities.
Charlene was the quiet one. She was always reading and loved to cook. She would prepare the most delicious dishes. She was a neat person. Always cleaning the house. Now one the other hand Charlette was totally different.
Charlette would leave her side of the room so messy and her twin would clean up behind her. I would be very upset with Charlette for taking advantage of her sister. Charlette would be the out going twin. Charlette was always laughing and joking around.
Charlette and Charlene look so much alike but their inner persons are so different. That’s what makes them so unique.

Ron23457 said...

The 2 teachers i chose to compare and contrast are Mr. Z and Mr. Smith. Mr. Z was my teacher for Programming Logic and Design and Mr. Smith was my Math Instructor. While both have very different teaching styles, there are some similarities. Mr. Z would throughly explain things, sometimes even more than once to make sure everyone in the class had a full understanding of what he was trying to teach. While Mr. Smith would go over things once with the understanding that we completely grasped everything he was teaching us. While both were great teachers, Mr. Z's approach and style made it easier to understand the material and he was always willingly to lend a hand if needed.

Koran said...

Even though Mrs. Fuller and Dr. H both are ECPI instructor's they both have very different teaching styles. Mrs Fuller's teaching style is very by "the book". She refers you to the book on more than on occasion. She makes sure you follow all the step by step instructions and if you get lost, she refers you to the book to back track until you learn where you went wrong. Dr. H however is able to "roll with the punches" , if you are lost or lose direction she is able to not only help you get back on track she encourages you to tie in the new information into your work. With these new ideas she inspires you to work harder and write more. Even with such different teaching style it does not discount in now way that they both are great teacher. Both of their teaching styles reflect a lot of their personalities and what they have learn over the years that works for them.

atemant said...

The two teachers that i have chosen to compare are Dr. H and Mrs. Shaw. Even though their teaching styles are similar in a few ways they differ in many ways. Dr H. teaches english classes while Mrs. Shaw teaches computer type classes.

I enjoy the way Dr. H teaches her classes because she not only makes it fun but she makes it to where I want to learn. Mrs. Shaw has a really good peronality and makes learning what she is teaching exciting.

Eventhough both teachers are great at what they teach. I personlly do not have a favorite teacher and if i did it would be a tie between these two.

Anonymous said...

Two Teachers that projected their teaching methods carefully are Mr. Faulkner and Dr. Hofheimer. To this day i had both teachers for one full schoold day that many may say it is too short of time to evaluate teaching methods but that was more than enough to allow me to see,feel,and understand what was being presented. Both teacher have classrooms with computers and teach the same course with the same book but the reality that was before me could not be ignored.

Mr. Faulkner allow me to see that he wanted us to be an outstanding writers. His determination to lead me into the path of litereture was visible from the second he spoke to the second he stop. The truth of writing was going to be given to me by Mr. Faulkner. His projection of the path to come was clear to me by the end of the night unfortunately it was a path that made me uneasy.

Teaching the same course was Dr. Hofheimer with the same materials. I stepped into her class early to get a feeling of the enviroment. Her presence surrounded the room with an enchanting smile. She came in ready to expand my world in all aspects. She chose a path of literature that offered different views. To learn Literature in an open manner and full of options excited me.Teaching became an art to her while keeping in touch with the students. By the end of the night she had projected her view and the path she wanted us to walk.

Both the Teachers are gifted in the subject of College Compostion but the path that excited and felt appealing was clear to me.

dangor said...

I don’t want to single out any two teachers for any reason other than I have had only 5 teachers thus far, and that wouldn’t be fair. But I have noticed a difference in teaching styles that seems to stand out. This difference has made its way into the student conversations in the break rooms. We have all experienced the teachers that make us want to come to class and have those class discussions about topics that will have you thinking about the world from a new angle. We have also had the teachers that stick to the plan and read from the books. We still learn but the parameters are already defined before we walk in the door. Both teachers are doing a good job teaching, it just depends on the student on what their willing to learn.

Jen Gorski said...

For this blog, I'll compare Mr. Scott Davis and Mr. Sam Murray. Both teach two completely different subject and have different methods of teaching.

First, I truly enjoyed Mr. Murray. He seemed very professional and he gave personal attention when it was requested. However, I really didn't like that in the middle of every class, we had to go to the conference room to listen to Dr. Pardue go over a powerpoint that could have easily been reviewed from the comfort of our own home...or classroom even. I know that Dr. Pardue created the course, but in my opinion, Mr. Murray seemed to be the one more interested in teaching it. We completed the labs on our own and when we needed assistance, he was right there to help us. It was the first "hands-on" class I had taken and I felt a real sense of independence after completing the class with an A. I'd like to say that's because Mr. Murray truly allowed us to learn, rather than dictate.

Mr. Davis was also a great instructor and had LONG powerpoints for us to review on our own time. However, not all the material in the book was included into the powerpoint. Mr. Davis didn't seem too interested in the book so I was pretty surprised when the first quiz came around-I wasn't prepared because I had only studied the powerpoints! Aside from that, he was a funny man! He made his classes fun and let you really be yourself. However, he wasn't very "one-on-one" during class time. We had lecture which we all participated in, the we asked our question and we were set with our assignments. When we emailed our assignments, he never sent us grades back and didn't even let us know what our project grades were. As much as I love his teaching, I think that when it comes down to student development, he wasn't always "there".

In the end, I believe that BOTH are great, fantastic instructors, but one seemed more interested in the students growth and development, while the other was more interested in getting the content out in a way we could actually understand.

AndrewA said...

It was quite simple for me to pick ECPI over Tide Water Community College (TCC). My situation is I receive the Montgomery G.I. Bill for thirty six months of full time enrollment. That means at least 12 credits a semester for a total of three years. The two schools have similar degree choices; however, both seem to have a different approach to the whole process. The idea of completing a Bachelors degree in three years is one of many reasons I decided to go to ECPI over TCC. Both schools have their pros and cons and the idea of going to any school to improve oneself is always a noble idea. The following is why the two schools had appealed to me. And why ECPI was the better choice.
TCC offers associate degree programs in many different fields. Their motto, “ from here go anywhere,” which means that a student can transfer to a four year school once you have completed the necessary requirements, sounds like a great plan. Since it is a public institution the tuition is very reasonable as compared to a private school or a four year institution. TCC offers online classes, as well as hybrid classes that require students to show up once a week to class and the rest is completed online. All of these classes are based on a 16 week semester, except for the summer semester. After I sat down and figured out how long it was going to take me to complete my degree, I got very discouraged. It worked out since I have to work a forty hour week and I could only attend night classes or maybe two classes a semester. At that rate, it would have taken me four and a half years to finish just the associate’s degree. The whole time frame for me to finish seemed a bit much, so I began to look for an alternative to TCC.
I began looking for an alternative and I saw one of those ECPI commercials they are always playing. The commercial was advertising a bachelor’s degree in just three years, which caught my attention. ECPI offers associates and bachelors degree programs in the field I was interested in. The semesters at ECPI are five weeks long. My schedule is Monday through Thursday 6:00 p.m. till 10:30 p.m. . . It is an accelerated program with a lot of work in a short time period of time; however, time is money and the quicker I could get my degree knocked out, the better. The tuition is a bit more than TCC, but with the G.I. Bill I’ll only end up having to pay a very small fraction of the tuition out my pocket. Not to mention, degree in three years sounds a lot better than my original plan. I would rather suck it up and be over-loaded with work to be finished and done with it in three years, than a long drawn out four and a half years for an associate’s degree.

ralbc4eva said...

I chose to compare/ contrast Dr. Fiest and Mr.L they are two math instructors Dr. fiest is at another campus, They may teach from the same books, but there teaching methods are very different. For example Mr.L gives you math problems after math problems with unlimited examples until you get it(he make sure you are comfortable before he moves on). Dr. Fiest refers you to the book and the computer with limited examples. Mr.L does not use computers and he's very old fashioned. Dr.L is up to date. Mr.L wants you to learn your work without a computer to help teach you. Dr. Fiest uses the computers for homework and some class work he also does a lot more lecturing than Mr.L does. Mr.L will tell you when he goes over certain problems that if you have trouble with these continue to practice them because it may be on the test. I believe Dr.Fiest dosen't he goes by test chapters. Dr. Fiest is very organized. Mr.L is the type to teach as you see fit or needed. I am honored to have had the opportunity to learn from both of these instructors and even though they are very different they are very alike as well because they both love math, they both like to teach and they are both Great Instructors.

Pyro said...

Well the two teachers that I would use would be Mrs. Hinton and Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Hinton is a very mellow very accepting teacher that will nurture you in a almost gospel way. She will not argue with you for anything. She will accept you for who you are and be fine with all of your opinions. She is a very sweet woman who would do anything for any one she ever met.

Not to downplay Mrs. Thomas. She just has a very different teaching style. She is very energetic and very driven. Her ability to drive a point across is uncanny. She can also break things down to a level you can understand and show you how to preform what ever function you are utilizing. Some people see her as a spastic scatter brain that cannot complete a statement. But I believe that she has a method for her madness even though you do not see it right off the bat.